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+234 907 552 3333

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Financial Portfolio

ASCIF implements its projects with the grants funding from various international donors and government. These grants are usually time-bound and for specific project interventions. ASCIF has mastered a lot while managing grants of diverse donors and has well developed its financial management capability.

Since its establishment in year 2017 till the first quarter of 2018; the organization has implemented about 10 continental projects in different geographic areas and in different sectors amounting to over $14,750 US Dollars.

Approach & Strategies

ASCIF strongly believes in the true and active participation of all key Stakeholders, particularly the local communities and program beneficiaries. Fair efforts are taken to ensure that stakeholders participate and contribute at all the stages of the interventions.

As its strategy, ASCIF particularly focuses to ensure the maximum participation of women, children and youth wherever required and relevant and particularly if the program has any direct impacts on their lives.

Policies & Systems

ASCIF follows its specific set of policies and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) which has been revised and updated a number of times up till now in order to make them more staff friendly and organization-centered. ASCIF uses its following manuals of policies:

- Manual of Human Resources and Administrative Policies - Manual of Financial Policies These manuals contain a number of basic organizational policies and procedures which help in the creation and maintenance of a transparent, accountable and fair working environment in ASCIF and ensures the effective achievement of overall objectives of the Initiative.

Review & Monitoring

Monitoring of projects in ASCIF is always an important priority for us. There is always a built in mechanism of review and monitoring for all the projects ASCIF implements. The processes of review and monitoring help the Initiative in achieving the project objectives in smooth and timely manner. As the key mechanism of monitoring; the projects are monitored by the implementation teams; the coordinators / managers of the program and the management of ASCIF.

Accounts & Audits

ASCIF maintains accounts on double entry system. The Initiative has developed various financial policies, systems and formats which help it in effective management of all its funds and maintaining a complete transparency in receipts and payments at all levels. ASCIF gets its accounts (receipts and payments) audited by the recognized chartered accountants' firms on the completion of projects or by the end of each financial year.

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African Smart Cities Innovation Foundation believes that networking, collective efforts, sharing of knowledge, resources and information is a key to the success as for addressing the global developmental issues and challenges.

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Plot 308, Ahmadu Bello Way, Opp. NAF Conference Centre, Jahi District, Abuja-Nigeria.

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